Physical servers to be consolidated (VM candidates):
# of CPU
Cores per CPU
CPU Speed (GHz)
Aver. CPU util. (%)
Aver. RAM util. (%)
# of servers

Host specification:
# of CPUs
Cores per CPU
CPU speed (GHz)

This Hyper-V Virtualization Calculator helps you determine the number of hosts required in a Hyper-V cluster based on your specific legacy server workload and host specifications. By providing detailed inputs about your physical servers and host configurations, you can obtain a precise estimate of the resources needed for optimal performance and efficiency.

How It Works

The Hyper-V Virtualization Calculator evaluates various critical parameters, including the number of CPUs, cores per CPU, CPU speed, average CPU, RAM utilization, and the number of servers you plan to consolidate. Additionally, it considers your target host specifications, such as the number of CPUs, cores per CPU, CPU speed, RAM capacity, and target utilization percentages for both CPU and memory.

Key Features

  1. Detailed Workload Analysis: Input data for up to four physical servers to capture a comprehensive view of your current workload. The calculator evaluates each server’s CPU and memory utilization to determine the total workload.
  2. Host Specification Matching: Specify your host configuration to align with your organizational standards and performance goals. The calculator uses this data to estimate the number of hosts needed.
  3. Virtualization Overheads: Account for virtualization overheads in both CPU and memory. This ensures the estimates reflect the additional resources required for managing virtual environments.
  4. Comparative Analysis: Gain insights into both “N hosts” and “N+1 hosts” scenarios. This feature helps you understand resource allocation with and without additional redundancy, aiding in informed decision-making.
  5. Comprehensive Output: The results include detailed metrics such as total CPU and memory usage, the number of VMs, virtual processors, and cluster capacities. This provides a clear picture of resource distribution and utilization across the hosts.


Using the Hyper-V Virtualization Calculator allows you to:

Optimize Resource Allocation: Avoid over-provisioning or under-provisioning by understanding the exact number of hosts required.

Improve Performance: Ensure that your Hyper-V cluster is adequately equipped to handle the workload, leading to better performance and reliability.

Cost Efficiency: Make informed decisions about hardware purchases and configurations, potentially saving costs by avoiding unnecessary resources.


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Vassilis Dionisopoulos
Vassilis Dionisopoulos
Articles: 23